Articles Posted November 2012

  • Roche Medicine Safety Reports

    In June the pharmaceutical company Roche came under fire. Fierce Pharma  reported that the European Medicines Agency is working with national medicines agencies to investigate deficiencies in the medicine-safety reporting system of Roche. According to the report this includes looking at whether the deficiencies have an impact on the overall benefit-risk profile for any of […]

  • Flu Vaccine Doubles Risk of More Serious Illness

    Flu Vaccine Doubles Risk of More Serious Illness Data collected from Canada and Hong Kong during 2009-2010 showed that people who received the seasonal flu vaccine in 2008 had twice the risk of getting the H1N1 “swine flu,” compared to those who hadn’t received a flu shot While the initial findings were largely discounted, new […]

  • Study Suggests Breast Cancer Overdiagnosed

    Study Suggests Breast Cancer Overdiagnosed  Action Points This study examined trends from 1976 through 2008 in the incidence of early-stage breast cancer (ductal carcinoma in situ and localized disease) and late-stage breast cancer (regional and distant disease) among women 40 years of age or older. The investigators interpret the data to suggest that there is […]

  • Discover a new way to lower cholesterol without toxic drugs

    Western medicine treats all dis-ease with a one-size-fits-all mentality. The “modern” healthcare approach rarely (if ever) looks at the underlying cause for disease. In other words, conventional medicine will never help you to “cure” any chronic health problem. For example, millions of people are told to treat high cholesterol with Lipitor. If you have cancer […]

  • Real history: Vaccines not responsible for halting infectious diseases of 20th century

    A common misconception about vaccines purports that they are the primary reason why  infectious disease rates saw a rapid and steady decline throughout the early-to-mid 20th century. But an honest look at the figures reveals that diseases like polio, typhoid, measles, and tuberculosis were already in significant decline long before vaccines were ever even invented, this being […]

  • Pre-diabetes is a new revenue stream for drug companies

    With the soaring number of people being diagnosed with pre-diabetes the implications of early and aggressive treatment with medication may be anything but a lifesaver for the patient, but is going to ensure than big pharma remains profitable. Always listen to the warning signs The marker for pre-diabetes is a glucose level higher than normal, […]

  • Thousands of pregnant women at risk from antidepressants, doctors warn.

    Big Pharma wants pregnant women to take prescription drugs, vaccine shots and even chemotherapy. It’s the latest insanity from an industry that kills more people than cure it. And the latest science reveals that antidepressant use during pregnancy is causing babies to be born with physical defects — or sometimes not born at all because […]