Discover a new way to lower cholesterol without toxic drugs

Western medicine treats all dis-ease with a one-size-fits-all mentality. The “modern” healthcare approach rarely (if ever) looks at the underlying cause for disease. In other words, conventional medicine will never help you to “cure” any chronic health problem.

For example, millions of people are told to treat high cholesterol with Lipitor. If you have cancer – get surgery or chemotherapy. But, wouldn’t you like to know a better way to treat disease without the use of drugs and surgery?

Lower your cholesterol (naturally) by eating fruit

You can lower cholesterol; prevent cancer and reverse heart disease with simple changes to your diet and lifestyle. Make no mistake about it – eating fresh, organic food can greatly improve the quality of your life!

Avocados are rich in oleic acid, a monounsaturated fat known for its ability to lower cholesterol. One recent study found that people, with moderately high cholesterol levels, consuming a diet high in avocados, for just one week, had significant drops in both total and LDL cholesterol – while increasing the good cholesterol by 11 percent.

Protect your heart and prevent strokes – naturally

Plenty of scientific research suggests that eating avocado can strengthen the cardiovascular system. This fatty (delicious) fruit can lower inflammation; oxidative stress and blood fat levels. The omega-3 fatty acids in the form of alpha-linolenic acid – in avocados – are a very important factor in maintaining healthy cholesterol levels.

Avocados are packed with nutrients such as folate, a water-soluble vitamin known to lower cholesterol levels. In fact, lots of vitamins can help to lower cholesterol. A 14 year study has shown that large amounts of B vitamins make a significant difference in cholesterol levels.

Naturally rich in fiber, avocados also contain many other life-supporting nutrients such as, vitamin K, E, A C, B6, potassium and magnesium. If you want to have a “heart healthy” diet – eat avocados.

Healthy fats nourish the brain, eyes and improve nutrient absorption

For decades, these “anti-fat” food campaigns have threatened human health. Obviously, we should avoid eating poor quality fats such as, hydrogenated oils found in highly-processed, junk food. But, the fact is, naturally occurring fats found in avocados, coconut oil, nuts and seeds are essential for optimal health. Get a good, cookbook and start having some food fun!

Don’t let the “lame-stream” media or conventional stupidity brainwash you into believing that natural foods from the earth are bad for you. The best fast-food comes from trees and vines grown from nutrient-rich organic soils. Support your local farmer and enjoy the good life!